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David N Shimron

David N Shimron

Work Department

Corporate and Commercial Transactions; Real Estate Development; Litigation and Dispute Resolution; Energy and Infrastructure.


Senior Partner.


Adv. Shimron practices in most fields of civil and commercial law. He is highly  experienced in representing foreign and local companies and individuals in a wide range of areas, including real estate, hotel development, energy and infrastructure matters, copyright protection, public institutions, trusteeship, banking and bankruptcy, in various forums, including the courts – in all instances – arbitration proceedings, mediation, and representation before committees, governmental authorities and public and legal forums.

Adv. Shimron regularly appears in all civil courts as well as before the High Court of Justice in the fields of civil and commercial law, libel and protection of privacy, as well as in administrative and constitutional cases. Adv. Shimron also represents clients in mediation and arbitration in the foregoing areas and serves as an arbitrator in civil disputes.

Adv. Shimron served as counsel in various governmental situations, inter-governmental committees and has represented the State of Israel in a number of civil cases.

Recent Significant Activities: 

Adv. Shimron, as the Chief Negotiator for the formation of the current coalition, handled the drafting and negotiations for the coalition agreements with a number of the coalition parties both in 2013 and in the current government on behalf of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Member of the "100 Days team" for the formation of the 2009-2013 Governments, where he advanced the proposed reforms in the Israel Lands Administration and in the planning and construction fields. Representation of the State of Israel in a claim by the Water Company and Kibbutzim in the Jordan Valley, valued at hundreds of millions of shekels. Representation of police officers and prison wardens (“Organization of Policemen’s Wives”) in the “Latvia Case” relating to the grant of academic degrees to policemen; representation of police officers and prison wardens regarding degrees from the rabbinate; representation in the High Court of Justice of teachers from the Arab sector regarding degrees from the University of Humberside; representation of the University Center of Ariel vs. the Higher Education Board and before the High Court of Justice. Representation before planning and building Committees, of all instances, of foreign investors; assistance with the planning institutions and the various State authorities regarding construction of hotel projects including the Planning and Construction Committees. Comprehensive handling of matters for technology companies and representation of foreign investors in Israeli business ventures in hi-tech and industrial corporations. Handling of large-scale real estate projects, including large-scale purchasing groups; and handling of real estate development projects, including a very large scale residential, commercial and industrial project anticipated to be comprised of thousands of residential units.


Hebrew, English.


Admitted to the Israel Bar Association (1978).

Adv. Shimron serves as a member of the boards of several companies, and he currently serves as the Chairman of the Board of the Jerusalem International Convention Center (“Binyanei Ha’Ooma”).  He served until recently as a member of the Israel Bar Disciplinary Appeal Tribunal, and as chief director of the Academic Center of Law and Business.


LL.B., Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Law (1977).