Mr Kaupo Lepasepp > Sorainen > Tallinn, Estonia > Lawyer Profile

Rotermanni 6,
Kaupo Lepasepp photo

Work Department

Competition & Regulatory, Data Protection, Intellectual Property


Country Managing Partner of Sorainen Estonia,  regional co-head of Energy & Infrastructure and the head of the Energy & Infrastructure in Estonia.


Having joined Sorainen in 2006, I have helped build our diverse Competition & Regulatory practice into a regional success. I am passionate about helping clients structure their relationships with customers, vendors and authorities in a fair and pragmatic manner. Believing that the future of the legal business is closely connected with technology, my role is to help Sorainen prepare for that future based on systemised knowledge, an excellent understanding of business processes and supportive technology.

Building services for infrastructure clients. Sorainen was the first law firm active in the Baltics to focus on the infrastructure sector, beginning by helping investors in the railway sector and then expanding the knowledge to the natural gas, electricity, postal, telecom and water sectors. We have assisted clients in international investment protection arbitration, legislative initiatives and transactions both in our region and abroad.

Vast trade advisory experience. Our team has advised on thousands of trade agreements, ranging from purchases of factories or power station equipment to advising on trade structures – trade representation, exclusive distribution, agency, franchises. Our legal solutions are always designed and implemented to deliver desired long-term business results to clients. Through our clients, I have gained thorough experience in the legal regulation of international trading.

EU and regional competition law. I head a team advising clients from all business sectors in a wide range of competition law matters, including dominant position, horizontal cooperation, vertical restrictions, joint ventures, merger clearance, risk assessments and litigation. I represent clients in dealings with both the national competition authorities and the European Commission.

Making technology serve businesses. Businesses often operate in a world where the opportunities provided by technology are barely utilised. True magic happens if the gap between these realms is bridged and technology is implemented for the benefit of business and people. I help clients bridge that gap.


Estonian, English


  • Estonian Bar Association
  • Estonian Bar Association Administrative Law Commission
  • International Bar Association


  • TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia (MSc in Engineering, IT, cum laude)
  • University of Tartu, Estonia (BA in Law / officially equivalent to MA)

Lawyer Rankings

Estonia > EU and competition

(Hall of Fame)

Kaupo LepaseppSorainen

Kaupo Lepasepp and Mihkel Miidla head the growing team at Sorainen, which is highlighted for its ‘profound knowledge and excellent service‘; the group handles a range of competition law issues across the Baltic countries, such as merger control and state aid matters. Another notable team member is Kaspar Endrikson, who ‘has exceptional communication skills and a business-minded approach’ and is proficient in the energy and infrastructure industries. Lise-Lotte Lääne, who was promoted to counsel in 2023, is prominent in the healthcare and life sciences sector, which is an area of interest of the wider group.

Estonia > Shipping and transport

(Leading partners)

Kaupo LepaseppSorainen

Sorainen operates internationally on multi-jurisdictional matters, such as a high-value pan-Baltic railway development project. Associate Kaspar Endrikson is praised for his availability and is often called upon by clients for commercial and regulatory matters in the shipping industry. Practice head Kaupo Lepasepp is a veteran when it comes to transport matters, having worked on projects in the railway and port sectors in particular.

Estonia > IP, IT and telecoms

(Leading partners)

Kaupo LeppaseppSorainen

According to one client, Sorainen is a ‘go-to legal partner in complex IP matters as it is able to offer full-service support and well-rounded, strategic advice on IP and general brand matters’. Kaupo Lepasepp, who is ‘extremely useful for IP topics and copyright matters‘, runs the team alongside ICT expert Mihkel Miidla. The group also has a good reputation for portfolio management and is lauded for its ‘pan-Baltic coverage, responsiveness, expertise and speed.’