Ms Katariina Kuum > Sorainen > Tallinn, Estonia > Lawyer Profile

Rotermanni 6,
Katariina Kuum photo

Work Department

Dispute Resolution & Risk Management




As an associate with the Dispute Resolution & Risk Management team, Katariina Kuum assists senior colleagues mainly with domestic and international dispute resolution matters. In addition, she supports attorneys in international arbitration proceedings.

Teamwork. Effective and dynamic teamwork is a priority to her. As an active member of student organizations, she has learned about both effective collaboration and leadership. For example, as the Vice President for Academic Activities of ELSA Tallinn, she was responsible for organizing events for law students, and as the President of ELSA Tallinn, she was faced with the task of leading and managing the whole team. The inspiring team culture of Sorainen was also the main reason why she decided to join the firm first as an intern and then as a legal assistant.

Self-development. She has taken part in various training programs and projects, as she believes it is important to seize new professional development opportunities that will help her expand her knowledge and experience. For example, both in 2019 and 2020, she co-authored an article on Estonian constitutional review in I·CONnect-Clough Center’s Global Review of Constitutional Law. She is also a graduate of the Sorainen Student Academy program. In addition, she has attended the Summer ELSA Law School on maritime law in Croatia and a mentoring program at the University of Tartu where, under the guidance of an attorney-at-law, she got her first taste of the ins and outs of litigation and drafting procedural documents. In addition, before joining Sorainen, she was an intern at a cybersecurity company where her main areas of practice were data protection, anti-corruption regulations, various anti-money laundering measures, and whistleblowing regulations in Estonian legislation.

European Union law. One of the areas of law that is important to her is definitely European Union law, which is why she wrote her Bachelor’s thesis on the ban on export restrictions in the European Union internal market and the special provisions that apply to it. She has also contributed to the drafting of procedural documents for the European Court of Justice. Her Master’s Thesis “The Constitutional Review of Legal Provisions Related to European Union Law” was granted a Special Award of Estonian Academy of Sciences’ Endowment for Constitutional Law and a Special Award of the Ministry of Justice at the national competition organized by the Estonian Research Council in 2023.


Estonian, English


  • European Law Students’ Association

  • Estonian Bar Association


  • University of Tartu (MA in Law, cum laude)
  • University of Tartu (BA in Law)