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Breakfast With EMAC: Seminar Advises On Ship Sale And Purchase Disputes

Dubai, UAE, 11 March, 2018: Continuing its aim to facilitate the ongoing dialogue between the region’s legal experts and maritime industry professionals, the Emirates Maritime Arbitration Centre (EMAC) hosted its third successful breakfast session of 2018 on 11 March at its offices in DIFC.

Featuring guest speaker, Alessandro Tricoli from Fichte & Co

Dubai, UAE, 11 March, 2018: Continuing its aim to facilitate the ongoing dialogue between the region’s legal experts and maritime industry professionals, the Emirates Maritime Arbitration Centre (EMAC) hosted its third successful breakfast session of 2018 on 11 March at its offices in DIFC.

The session, presented by Alessandro Tricoli from Fichte & Co, focuses on potential issues in ship sale and purchase agreements and to what extent arbitration provides a reliable way to address possible disputes.

Attended by both legal and commercial maritime stakeholders, it is evident that there is a clear appetite for a better understanding of how arbitration and mediation can facilitate time and cost savings when faced with a potential case.

“At EMAC, our aim is to provide a platform for open discussion about the various types of maritime disputes. As support to the industry, EMAC is committed to providing a trusted international standard for arbitration and mediation services”, said Majid Obaid bin Bashir, Acting Chairman and Secretary General, EMAC.

The Breakfast with EMAC seminar series will continue throughout 2018, with the next session scheduled for 8th April at the EMAC offices.

Content supplied by Fichte & Co.