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Isabel Hexel

Oppenhoff, Germany

Work Department

Employment Law, Compliance


Isabel is a partner of Oppenhoff. Previously, she was an associate at Latham & Watkins LLP in Hamburg and Linklaters LLP in Cologne.


She is a specialised lawyer for employment law and a member of the Cologne Bar Association [Kölner Anwaltverein e. V.] as well as of the Employment Law Working Group of the German Bar Association [Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arbeitsrecht im Deutschen Anwaltverein e. V.].


Isabel is a partner of Oppenhoff. Isabel Hexel specialises in individual and collective employment law. She advises national and international companies on issues concerning company co-determination procedures, collective bargaining and shop constitution law, in particular within the scope of M&A transactions, restructurings and the negotiation of compromises of interest and social plans. Her other primary focuses include the drafting and termination of service and employment contracts as well as representation in court.


She studied law at the Universities of Freiburg, Swansea and Berlin and was also for several years a research assistant at the German Bundestag in Berlin. Prior to studying law, she successfully completed her training as a bank clerk at Commerzbank AG in Osnabrück.