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Fee Mäder

Oppenhoff, Germany

Work Department

Intellectual Property Law


Fee Mäder is a lawyer at Oppenhoff. During her legal internship she worked inter alia at the German embassy in Canberra (Australia) and the Media Group RTL Germany.


Fee Mäder is a member of the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (Deutsche Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht e.V. - GRUR), Alumni Medienrecht Köln e.V. and the Cologne Bar Association (Kölner Anwaltverein - KAV). She is also actively involved in the Kölner Service Club of Zonta International.


Fee Mäder is a Junior-Partner of Oppenhoff.

Fee Mäder advises and represents German and international enterprises in the areas of intellectual property law, copyrights and fair trade practice laws. In addition to defending against and enforcing infringement claims, she assists in the legal aspects of the planning and implementation of advertising and marketing measures.

Fee Mäder also specialises in media law. Here, she not only advises and represents clients in the defence against and enforcement of claims under private law, such as the infringement of personal rights by text and photo-journalism, for example, but also in the field of public media law in cases concerning supervisory and regulatory questions and proceedings of the state media authorities. She has particularly good knowledge of the branch and expertise in the field of broadcasting services (radio and television) as well as in the publishing sector.


She studied law at the Universities of Freiburg and Cologne. While she was writing her dissertation at the University of Cologne (Prof. Karl-Nikolaus Peifer) on a copyright related topic, she worked at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in the IP/IT department as a research assistant.