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Jörn Kuhn

Oppenhoff, Germany

Work Department

Employment Law, Insolvency and Restructuring


Jörn Kuhn is a Partner of the firm Oppenhoff. He began his career as a lawyer in 2007 at Linklaters LLP.


Jörn Kuhn is a member of the German Bar Association (Deutscher Anwaltverein, DAV), the Cologne Bar Association (Kölner Anwaltverein, KAV) and the DAV’s Employment Law Working Group.


Jörn Kuhn is a Partner of the firm Oppenhoff. Jörn Kuhn advises German and international enterprises on all issues of employment and company pension law. A focus of his activities is the counselling and representation of clients during restructurings and reorganisations at the company and business level. In this connection, Jörn advises enterprises on questions concerning collective bargaining and shop constitution law as well on corporate co-determination. This includes representation during negotiations with unions and works councils. He also regularly advises on the employment and company pension aspects of M&A transactions. Jörn Kuhn also advises enterprises on questions concerning the utilisation of outside labour, above all personnel leasing and industrial services on the basis of contracts for services and works.


Mr. Kuhn studied law at the Universities of Rostock and Göttingen.
