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Holger Hofmann

Oppenhoff, Germany

Work Department

Public Law/Regulatory, Foreign Trade, Public Procurement Law


Holger Hofmann is a partner and has been a lawyer at the firm of Oppenhoff since 2008. He studied law at the University of Cologne. During and after his studies, Holger Hofmann worked as a research assistant at the Professorship for Public Law, Public International and European Law at the University of Cologne.


He is a member of the German Bar Association (Deutscher Anwaltsverein, DAV), the Environmental Law Society (Gesellschaft für Umweltrecht, GfU) and the Public Procurement Forum (forum vergabe e.V).


Holger Hofmann is a partner and has been a lawyer at the firm of Oppenhoff since 2008. Holger Hofmann advises German and international enterprises on matters of public law. The focuses of his legal advice are environmental law, public procurement law and foreign trade law. Holger Hofmann also provides M&A transaction-based advice and develops company-specific compliance structures.


He completed his legal internship inter alia at a law firm specialised in energy law, as well as at the Southeast and East Asia Office of a German Foundation in Bangkok, Thailand.
