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Harald Gesell

Oppenhoff, Germany

Work Department

Corporate Law, Mergers and Acquisions


Harald is a founding partner of Oppenhoff. From 2001 until 2007 he was a partner at Linklaters LLP.


Harald is a founding partner of Oppenhoff. Harald specialises in corporate law, advising German and foreign clients in particular on domestic (German) and cross-border corporate restructurings, on SE (Societas Europaea) structures and on intra-group financing arrangements. Further emphasis is placed on domestic and international corporate acquisitions and joint ventures. Harald is a co-author of a commentary on the German GmbH Act, co-editor of a textbook on European corporate law and a visiting lecturer for corporate law at the Westphalian Wilhelms-University in Münster.


He studied laws at the University of Cologne (Dr iur).