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Caterina Hanke

Oppenhoff, Germany

Work Department

Dispute Resolution – Litigation – Arbitration Proceedings Intellectual Property Law


Caterina Hanke advises and represents companies in commercial disputes both in and out of court. Her activities include, in particular, the defence and enforcement of all kinds of damage claims, with a focus on general contract law and consultant liability. She also represents her clients in arbitration proceedings. Caterina Hanke also advises on trademark matters.


Caterina Hanke has been a lawyer at Oppenhoff since 2021.


She studied law at the University of Bayreuth, where she worked at the Chair of Civil Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law as well as at the Chair of Civil Law, Intellectual Property Law and Commercial Law. During her legal internship, Caterina Hanke worked, among other things, at the German Chamber of Commerce for Spain in Madrid, at a major international law firm and at a sports marketing company. Before transferring to Oppenhoff, she worked as a lawyer in the litigation department of a US commercial law firm in Frankfurt am Main, where she also handled cases relating to intellectual property law, in particular trademark law.