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Michael Lamberty

Oppenhoff, Germany

Work Department

IT Law and Data Protection


Michael Lamberty advises on IT & data protection law. In particular, his work includes the interdisciplinary use of Legal Tech applications. He also manages the development of the firm’s own innovative solutions. Michael Lamberty has experience in banking and capital markets law, copyright law and dispute resolution.


Michael Lamberty has been admitted to the Bar since 2014 and has been a lawyer and Legal Tech advisor at Oppenhoff since 2022.


After studying law at the University of Bonn, he completed his legal internship in Cologne and Berlin. During his legal internship Michael Lamberty worked at, among others, the German Federal Office of Justice (BfJ), the law firm of Dr. Klassen & Partner in Bonn and at a law firm in Berlin specialising in copyright law. Before transferring to Oppenhoff, he was a lawyer at Gansel Rechtsanwälte in Berlin advising on extrajudicial and judicial dispute resolution. Prior thereto, he held a managerial legal position in a Berlin start-up in the field of copyright and licensing law.