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Patric Mau

Oppenhoff, Germany

Work Department

Intellectual Property Law


Patric Mau advises and represents German and international companies on matters of intellectual property law. In particular, his work includes the enforcement and defence of infringement claims in the field of trademark, copyright and competition law.

A focus of his work is defence against anti-competitive conduct. Patric Mau also has experience in planning and implementing advertising and marketing measures, especially in social media. Here, he strategically advises and represents entrepreneurs and companies on the development of their marks and assists them in all further steps, ranging from the mark’s application and administration to its defence.

Furthermore, in the field of media law, Patric Mau advises on the defence and enforcement of private law claims regarding the infringement of personal rights.


Patric Mau has been a lawyer at Oppenhoff since 2022.


He attended the residential sports school of the Rheinland-Pfalz sports federation. Patric Mau studied law at the University of Bonn. He subsequently graduated at the University of Cologne at the Institute for Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law on a sports-related topic. Parallel to this, Patric Mau worked as a research assistant at the Institute and at the law firm of Gleiss Lutz in Düsseldorf in the field of company law. During his legal internship at the Regional Court of Bonn, he also worked in the intellectual property law department at Oppenhoff and in the corporate law department of an international commercial law firm in Dubai.