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Hanjo Prondzinski

Oppenhoff, Germany

Work Department

Tax Law


Hanjo Prondzinski advises national and international enterprises on all legal issues of national and international tax law, in particular on issues relating to M&A and the structuring and reorganisation of corporate groups. In particular, his activities also include advice during tax audits as well as in extrajudicial and judicial proceedings.


Hanjo Prondzinski has been a lawyer at Oppenhoff since 2019.


After completing his vocational training in the upper grade of the Lower Saxony Tax Administration (Graduate in Financial Economics, Tax Academy), he studied law at the University of Osnabrück with a focus on tax law and with additional training in economics. During his studies, Hanjo Prondzinski continued to work in the Lower Saxony Tax Administration. He completed his legal internship inter alia at the auditors Ernst & Young in Düsseldorf and in the tax law practice group of Oppenhoff.