Region Area


Work Department

Privatisation, Projects and EnergyCommercial, Corporate and M&ADispute resolutionCompetition LawInvestment Promotion LawRestructuring and Bankruptcy Law

Nina is an Attorney-at law with wide area of expertise, primarily in commercial relations and with significant experience in corporate matters, as well as regulatory matters regarding various limited liability and joint stock companies, labour law, transport and health care. She has considerable experience and expertise in intellectual property matters, including but not limited to trademark and patent registration and contractual work as well as representing the clients before both international and domestic competent authorities (DZIV, WIPO).


2019-present/ Attorney-at-law at MPRR Law Firm2016-2019/ Associate at MPRR Law Firm


Croatian Bar Association




Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb (Master's Degree  2016)Bar Exam (2018)