News and developments

A fight against corruption by the proposed introduction of Criminal Record Certificates for Companie

Due to existing problems with regards to companies competing for the undertaking of public projects, on the 28th September 2015 the Cabinet decided to give an end to the scandals involving the squander of millions of public money by approving an amendment Bill, which would add to the conditions for public tenders, the requirement of providing a Criminal Record Certificate for legal entities. Until today, this was not required due to gaps and loopholes in the existing Law. Provided this Bill will be passed into Law by its publication at the Official Gazette of Cyprus, companies applying for public tender will be asked to produce a certificate that would show they have a clean criminal record.

Due to existing problems with regards to companies competing for the undertaking of public projects, on the 28th September 2015 the Cabinet decided to give an end to the scandals involving the squander of millions of public money by approving an amendment Bill, which would add to the conditions for public tenders, the requirement of providing a Criminal Record Certificate for legal entities. Until today, this was not required due to gaps and loopholes in the existing Law. Provided this Bill will be passed into Law by its publication at the Official Gazette of Cyprus, companies applying for public tender will be asked to produce a certificate that would show they have a clean criminal record.

The main aims of the amendment Bill are as follows:

(a)   To regulate the issuance of Criminal Record Certificates for all corporations seeking tenders in the public sector,

(b)   To combat corruption and

(c)   To provide regulation and enable the authorities to control cases of public tenders in cases where a company fails for example to pay its taxation or will examine whether they have committed some other wrongdoing.

Other measures towards combating corruption are on the way including a bill that would protect individuals wishing to provide information to the police that would help in the investigation of cases of corruption.

For further information on this topic please contact

Ms. Nada Starovlah ([email protected]) at SOTERIS PITTAS & CO LLC,

by telephone (+357 25 028460) or by fax (+357 25 028461)

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advise should be sought about your specific circumstances.

Content supplied by Soteris Pittas & Co L.L.C