Region Area


Moritz Voiß

Work Department

Trademark & Design


Moritz Voiß advises and represents national and international clients in various fields of intellectual property law. He focuses on advising and representing clients in national and cross-border patent infringement proceedings and in the areas of trademark, design and unfair competition law.

Moritz studied law at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn and at the University of Cologne with a specialisation in ”Intellectual Property and Competition Law”. He continued this specialisation during his legal clerkship and worked in two international law firms – each in the Intellectual Property practice group.

After completing his legal clerkship, Moritz worked as a legal assistant in another international law firm, where he deepened his knowledge in the area of Intellectual Property law.




2nd State Exam Düsseldorf (2020) 1st State Exam Cologne (2015)