
Biriș Goran’s priority will always be the needs of its clients. However, the firm also recognises the need to give back to the wider community that made us what, and helped us reach where, we are.

As such, we actively encourage our lawyers to get involved, and dedicate firm resources and time, to a number of initiatives past and present:

  • Gabriel Biriș is actively involved in Ready Nation Ro, a Romanian NGO supported by Ready Nation US, which aims to determine a large number of Romanian business leaders to actively engage in creating public policies impacting the early education; Gabriel is also an active member of AOAR (Asociația Oamenilor de Afaceri din România), an apolitical organisation, recognised as a supporter of the most valuable ideas and actions that cause the Romanian economy to develop and integrate more and more into the European and world economy
  • Ruxandra Jianu headed in 2019 the tax taskforce of the Coalition for Romania’s Development (Coaliția pentru Dezvoltarea României), a private non-political initiative, gathering the most representative organisations for the business environment in Romania, with the purpose to provide a cohesive basis for consultation with the government and other public institutions on topics that impact the business and economic climate in Romania
  • Supporting Fotograful Anului în România (the Photographer of the Year in Romania) with legal advice , a national large-scale competition aiming to recognise Romanian photographic art and photographic artists and to further become a platform for promotion, valorisation and education in the art of photography. The competition’s jury is formed of prestigious photographers from Romania and abroad, editors of international publications as well as cultural managers in the field
  • Providing pro bono assistance with regulatory and litigious issues for identity rights protection to the PACT Foundation, a non-governmental and non-profit organisation, which helps foster sustainable development of at risk local communities in rural and small-urban areas in the south of Romania
  • Supporting ZP3, a non-governmental and non-profit organisation set up by two of our colleagues, Anca Zegrean and Teodora Moțatu, devoted to help orphans and impoverished children with education materials, food and clothing, toys, cleansing products, and in some cases fire-wood. “We take a particular interest in talented and academically gifted children, aiming to achieve both immediate and lasting change in their lives by providing them with educational supplies, and helping them to fulfil their potential” (Anca Zegrean)
  • Active involvement in various chambers of commerce. For instance, Biriş Goran has been present at AmCham’s task forces on Tax, Competition, Energy or IP / IT matters since its inception in 2006
  • Providing pro bono work to selected charities, such as SOS Satele Copiilor, Ovidiu Ro, Asociatia Vasiliada or Fundatia Scheherazade