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Bertie Leigh

Hempsons, London

Work Department



Articled Hempsons; qualified 1976; partner Hempsons 1977. Involved in many of the leading medical cases over the last 30 years, including the leading res ipsa loquitur cases of Saunders v Leeds HA (1985 1 29 FJ 25) and Lindsay v Mid Western Health Board (1992); several of the cases concerned with failed sterilisation and contraception, including Gold v Haringey HA 1987 3 WLR 649 (CA); several of the leading quantum actions including Thomas v Brighton HA 1998 (HL); numerous actions involving claims brought by brain-damaged babies, including Barker v Nugent 1987; Stockdale v Nicholls MLR 1992, Robertson v Nottingham HA, (1994) (CA), and various actions involving spinal surgery, including De Freitas v O’Brien (1993). Several cases involving non-consensual LSCS (including MB (CA)), the mixed up IVF twins in Leeds (2002); he conducted the first two successful costs capping applications in group actions in the Nationwide Retained Organs case and the Ledward rape allegations (2003); the duty of care of paediatricians to parents JD v East Berkshire Health Authority (HL 2005). Publications of note: chapters in Dewhurst’s ‘Obstetrics and Gynaecology’ and Roberton and Rennie’s ‘Neonatology’.


President Medico-Legal Society (2006-08); chairman NCEPOD (National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death 2008 to date); Hon FRCPCH (Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health 1997); FRCOG ad eundem (Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2003); governor City Lit (2005 to date); trustee CORE (2005 to date); trustee Save the Baby Fund (2008) to date).


Consultant; specialises in medical negligence, other professional negligence, hospital litigation, institutions specifically concerned with obstetrics, anaesthetics and paediatrics; special interest in medical ethics, on which he writes articles and lectures.


St Christopher School, Letchworth; University of East Anglia.