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Helen Claridge

Hempsons, North West

Work Department

Healthcare advisory


Trained with the Legal Department at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children and Capsticks Solicitors. Qualified 2010. Hempsons 2010 – present day. Partner Hempsons 2018.


Helen joined Hempsons in 2010 and worked first in the London office before moving home to Manchester in 2016.

Much of Helen’s caseload involves mental health and mental capacity issues. She advised in relation to the Mental Health (Approval Functions) Bill and regularly acts on behalf of healthcare providers in complex applications to the Court of Protection concerning deprivation of liberty and best interests. Helen acted for the successful NHS Trust and CCG in an NHS Trust v Y [2018] UKSC 46 in which the Supreme Court considered whether an application to the Court of Protection is mandatory in every case of withdrawal of clinically assisted nutrition and hydration from a patient in a prolonged disorder of consciousness.

Helen works across a wide range of health and social care issues in different jurisdictions including the Coroner’s Court, the Family Division and the First Tier Tribunal (health and social care). Helen regularly advises organisations in relation to CQC registration and challenge, clinical governance and funding disputes.

Helen has an interest in judicial review and was part of the team which successfully challenged the public consultation in relation to paediatric cardiac surgery nationwide.

Before joining Hempsons, Helen worked in the legal department of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust. Helen has continued her interest in child law and regularly advises on issues such as wardship, consent, withdrawal of care and child protection.


Arnold School, Blackpool; Cambridge University (Classics, BA (Hons)); City University (GDL)