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Ian Hempseed

Hempsons, London

Work Department

Charities and social enterprise; Practitioners


Hill Taylor Dickinson 1985-96; associate 1990 in company commercial department; assistant solicitor Hempsons 1996; partner since 1997. Publications of note: co-author of ‘Healthy Business – a guide to social enterprise in health and social care’ (2nd edition) and ‘Spinning out of (Whose) Control’ (2013).


Charity Law Association; Social Enterprise UK; RSA - fellow


Ian is a charity and corporate lawyer who has a wide range of experience in the field of commercial, constitutional and governance law. He heads up the Charities and Social Enterprise team at Hempsons – and our Practitioner team. His broad expertise in advising charities, social enterprises and other not for profit organisations enables us to provide pragmatic and proactive advice to the sector as a whole.

He also works closely with organisations, public sector staff and entrepreneurs in developing appropriate legal structures for social enterprises.

GPs, private consultants and other health professionals call upon Ian’s help to create appropriate corporate vehicles, particularly for consortium working.

Ian is regularly invited by external organisations to run workshops and training sessions on a wide range of topics affecting charities and social enterprises.

Ian Hempseed is also a Mutuals Ambassador for the Mutuals Programme run by the Cabinet Office. One of the aims of the Mutuals Programme is to drive the creation of new public service mutuals across public service.

Ian is a trustee of Power to Change.


Uppingham School; St Anne’s College, Oxford (1982 BA).
