Forgó, Damjanovic & Partners Law Firm
fdlaw.huInternational capabilities
Forgó, Damjanovic & Partners is a highly rated local business law firm based in Budapest, Hungary with very strong international ties. 75%+ of the work handled by the firm is cross-border work or assignments with significant international elements.
Almost all of the disputes (arbitration, as well as litigation) we handle concern foreign parties or laws and the transactions we work on are also of a cross-border nature, let them be standalone mandates or parts of global acquisitions.
Last year, we acted for clients from over two dozen jurisdiction and 5 continents. We are often called upon to act for the foreign headquarters of our clients in delicate matters where they do not want to use the counsels of their Hungarian subsidiaries.
Co-Managing partner Gábor Damjanovic has been actively involved in the International Bar Association (IBA) for over 20 years, having attended over 70 conferences and forged friendships and good working relationships with numerous colleagues from all over the world. Gábor is an active arbitrator, listed by a number of arbitral institutions’ list of arbitrators (e.g. in Belgrade, Budapest, Seoul, Vienna and Warsaw), he is the Secretary-Treasurer of the Professional Ethics Committee of the IBA and the Hungarian member of ICC Fraudnet.
Other Co-Managing Partner Zoltán Forgó has extensive experience of working on cross-border transactional and dispute resolution mandates. He frequently works on files referred to him by UK, US, French, German, Italian, Austrian, Czech and other foreign law firms. Furthermore, he regularly acts as head counsel on behalf of Hungarian companies investing in foreign jurisdictions, e.g. in the UK, Germany, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Finland, Ireland, etc. As part of his training, he spent 5 months in London at the corporate department of a leading UK law firm and 1 month in Viena at a prominent Austrian law firm.