
Gábor Damjanovic

Work Department

Dispute Resolution, Corporate and M&A, Labour/Employment


Co-managing partner of the firm, head of the Dispute Resolution and Labour/Employment practices, co-head of the Corporate and M&A practice.


-  Co-managing partner, Forgó, Damjanovic & Partners Law Firm, 2010-;

-  Partner, Forgó, Varga & Partners Law Firm, 2003-2010;

-  Attorney, Forgó, Varga & Partners Law Firm 2001-2003;

-  Attorney, Weiss-Tessbach Vienna, 2000;

-  Trainee, Gárdos, Benke, Tomori, Mosonyi Law Firm 1998-1999;

-  Trainee at a local law firm, 1997-1998.


English, Hungarian


-  Listed on LCIA’s database of neutrals;

-  Appointed with KCAB INTERNATIONAL’s Panel of International Arbitrators (Seoul);

-  Listed among the List of Practitioners at the VIAC (Vienna International Arbitral Centre);

-  Listed on the list of Arbitrators of the Lewiatan Court of Arbitration (Warsaw);

-  Listed as a foreign member of the BAC (Belgrade Arbitration Center)

-  Listed on the list of arbitrators at the Permanent Arbitration Institution of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia

-  Listed among the Roll of Arbitrators at the Permanent Arbitration Court attached to the

Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Commercial Arbitration Court


-  Luxembourg Arbitration Association;

-  Scottish Arbitration Centre;

-  Hungarian Arbitration Association;

-  IBA (International Bar Association);

-  IBA Arbitration Committee;

-  IBA Subcommittee for International Arbitration Case Law and rapporteur for Hungary;

-  ICCA (International Council for Commercial Arbitration);

-  Secretary-Treasurer of the Professional Ethics Committee (PEC) of the IBA;

-  Budapest Bar Association;

-  Hungarian Association for the Protection of Industrial Property and Copyright.


József Attila University, Szeged, 1997 Law Degree (cum laude) Central European University, Budapest (Master of Comparative Constitutional Law, LL.M. 1998)
