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Francesco Vitella

Francesco Vitella

Work Department




Francesco is based in Milan and has notable expertise in a wide range of niche employment matters including secondments, non-compete agreements and agency contracts, transfer of businesses as a going concern and individual and collective dismissals. Francesco is also involved, as a litigator, in many high-stake labour court litigation matters


Francesco joined Pavia e Ansaldo in 2011 and became Counsel in 2022.

Admitted to the Bar, Milan (Italy), 2014

Francesco attended the VIII 2019/2020 specialization course at the School of AGI (Avvocati Giuslavoristi Italiani) in employment and labour law and successfully passed the final examination.


Italian, English, French


Member of the Milan Bar Association and of the International Bar Association (IBA)Member of the Milan Bar Association and of the International Bar Association (IBA).


PhD, in Civil Procedural Law, at the Doctoral School  of the University of Milano-Bicocca, 2016

Graduation in Law, cum laude, at the University of Insubria, 2011

LLP Erasmus exchange programme, a the Paris-Sud University (Paris XI), Faculté Jean Monnet, 2009

International Student Exchange Program at St. John’s Jesuit High School - Toledo (OH) (USA), 2005


Francesco holds seminars on labour-related procedural matters and has published numerous comments and articles in various peer-reviewed journals, including:

2019 - On the possibility to appeal the decision on the request for suspension of the effectiveness of a ritual arbitration award through a "reclamo" measure (La reclamabilità della decisione sull'istanza di sospensione dell'efficacia del lodo arbitrale ritualeLa reclamabilità della decisione sull'istanza di sospensione dell'efficacia del lodo arbitrale rituale), in Giusto Processo Civile, n. 1-2019, pp. 106 ss.

2017 - The employer can lawfully make use of investigative agencies (Legittimo il controllo datoriale mediante agenzia investigative), comment to Cass., sez. lav., 18 July 2017, n. 17723, (4 August)

2017 - Length of service: teaching in recognized private school does not count (Conteggio dell'anzianità di servizio: l'insegnamento presso le scuole paritarie non conta), comment to Trib. Milano, sez. lav., 9 marzo 2017, n. 480, (19 July)

2016 - Claim for unfair dismissal: substantive law and judicial protection (L’impugnazione del licenziamento illegittimo tra il diritto sostanziale e la tutela giurisdizionale), Ph.D. Thesis,  Published in the BOA-Bicocca University Open Archive:

2016 - Means of appeal on the issue of competence and the so-called Fornero proceedings (Regolamento di competenza e rito Fornero), comment to Cass., sez. VI, 20 January 2015, n. 797, (11 January)

2015 - Joint and several liability in favor of personnel employed in the context of contracts for services or works: third-party joinder and conditional judgment (Responsabilità solidale a favore del lavoratore negli appalti: integrazione del contraddittorio e condanna condizionata), comment to Trib. Como 15 January 2015, (14 September)

2015 - The dismissal of the claim for the so-called “real” protection and the consequences for the secondary claim for the so-called “obligatory” protection in the context of the Fornero proceedings (Il rigetto della domanda di tutela reale e la sorte della domanda subordinata di tutela obbligatoria nel rito Fornero), comment to Trib. Como 25 August 2014, in Giur. it., April 2015, 875 ss.

2013 - The res iudicata objection and the principle of procedural economy (L’eccezione di giudicato esterno e il principio di economia processuale), comment to App. Firenze - Soc. Landi c. Agenzia del Territorio, in Foro Padano 3-2013, I, 301

2011 - Court-Appointed Expert Witness in the US legal system (La consulenza tecnica d’ufficio nell’ordinamento statunitense), in Varese Bar Association Journal, year XXIV, 2011, no. 51