Region Area


Milena Prisco

Milena Prisco

Work Department

Compliance, Mergers & Acquisitions



With a solid experience in the sectors of tech M&A and Venture Capital, Milena is an active member of associations promoting the issues of ESG, gender parity and a member of international steering committees for the promotion of sustainable fashion.

Milena Prisco, a corporate lawyer of two decades’ experience and a former head of Corporate and M&A at Studio Previti,  joined the firm in Match 2022 to head our new Environmental Sustainability and Governance (ESG) department and to continue her corporate practice especially in the hi-tech industry. ESG compliance has rightly become a critical issue for investors, organisations and corporations across the globe. Milena’s hire brings the expertise of a lawyer of immense pedigree in the area, and superb experience in the venture capital and hi-tech sectors, whose knowledge of sustainable finance and niche areas of Italian ESG compliance such as the Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (the PNRR - National Recovery Resilience Plan) will be an invaluable asset to our clients.

Moreover, she provides assistance to listed companies and SMEs in relation to corporate governance policies, to corporations in the acquisition of the status of benefit companies, investment funds in ESG policies in investment processes, performs ESG due diligence in extraordinary transactions and sustainability strategies.

With a long experience in M&A, mainly dealing with Italian and cross-border acquisitions in the form of share and asset deals, equity transactions, joint ventures, over the years Milena has specialized in extraordinary transactions in high tech sectors such as fintech, AI, life science, medtech and fashiotech, thanks to a long and consolidated experience in Venture Capital starting from the assistance to startup projects up to the advice to VC funds, scale up, club deal and nowadays listed companies in corporate venture capital operations through acquisitions, equity investments, convertible and semi-equity debt instruments (SFP), incentive and remuneration plans.

She regularly advises on corporate law matters and provides assistance in the drafting of typical contracts and agreements in the hi-tech industry (e.g. SaaS, white label contracts).

She is a lecturer in several masters and seminars in Italy, where she collaborate with prestigious universities and abroad and author of articles and publications on M&A, venture capital, ESG. She is a regular contributor of IBA for articles on M&A and ESG topics.

 She is a member of International Bar Association.


In March Milena joined, as responsible ESG of the firm, the Corporate M&A and Compliance departments.

Admitted to the Bar, Milan (Italy), 2014


Italian and English


International Bar Association

Fuori Quota (gender parity)

Ned Community (corporate governance)

La Carica delle 101 (empowerment of female entrepreneurship)


Graduation in Law, University Federico II - Naples, 2000

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma (“Sustainable Finance”, Corso Executive Altis)

– Gruppo Euroconference (Master Executive in Merger & Acquisition transactions)

– Università degli Studi di Torino (Master per Giurista d’Impresa, Scuola di Amministrazione Aziendale – SAA)



10/2022 - La gender parity nella governance societaria (

10/2022 - L'impatto ESG sugli assetti societari del Codice della crisi di impresa. In Note & Tributi Plus (Sole 24 Ore).

9/2022 - Finanza sostenibile, l’impatto ESG sulla gestione dei contenuti online: i nuovi standard SASB. In Agenda Digitale.

3/2022 – Fattori ambientali, sociali e di governance: greenwashing? No grazie. In Marketing Exchange Review.


Literature and poetry, reading, contemporary art and photography, practicing yoga/meditation and traveling.