Claeys & Engels

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Sophie Maes


Sophie advises national and international clients on various aspects of international employment (including work permits and residence of foreign employees), labour law and social security law. She assists clients with seconding employees to Belgium, structuring simultaneous employment in various countries, starting up activities in Belgium, restructurings and acquisitions. Sophie often works closely with other members of Ius Laboris on transnational projects and queries. Besides this, Sophie gives advice on various day-to-day HR issues. Sophie has a particular interest in global mobility and corporate immigration issues, (prohibited) lease of personnel and flexible work arrangements dismissal law and restructuring. Sophie often speaks at internal and external seminars in Belgium and abroad and is author of various articles. Within Ius Laboris she chairs the International Practice Groups and she is also chair of the International Practice Group "Global Mobility". Since 2009 she has been a partner at Claeys & Engels.


Sophie has been a member of the Brussels Bar since 1998.




Sophie graduated from the University of Leuven (K.U.Leuven) in 1997, having studied in Leuven and at the University of Rouen (France). She obtained a special degree in labour law from the University of Brussels (ULB) in 1998.
