Claeys & Engels

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Jan Van Gysegem


Jan advises on corporate, contract and occupational pension law issues arising in the HR context. He regularly advises on executive compensation (including option, share and other LTI plans).  He assists clients in outsourcing and sales transactions. He also argues litigation and arbitration cases in these areas. Jan has a specific expertise in questions of corporate and pension fund governance and the regulatory aspects of remuneration in banks, insurance companies and listed companies. He has published extensively on corporate governance and pension law issues.


Jan is a founding member and honorary Chairman of BePLA, the Belgian Pension Lawyers Association ( He is also a member of IPEBLA, the International Pensions and Employee Benefit Lawyers Association. He is a member of the Bars of Brussels, Ghent and New York.




Jan graduated from the Law School of the University of Ghent in 1989, after studying at the "Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix" in Namur (Belgium). He received a Master of Laws degree from the New York University School of Law in 1990.