Grimaldi Alliance
Giancarlo Buccarella
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Giancarlo Buccarella specializes in corporate and bankruptcy law as well as disputes relating to banking and insurance matters. Prior to joining Grimaldi Studio Legale, he was the owner of Buccarella Law Firm and started his business with prof. Guido Uberto Tedeschi. He is often involved in educational and conference activities: former professor at the School of Specialization for Legal Professions, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; Professor at the School of Law (Scuola Forense) of Parma, and of the annual preparatory course for chartered accountants and accounting experts, University of Parma; speaker at over 50 conferences.
Chairman of the National Insolvency and Business Restructuring Association; member of the scientific editorial board of the portal; collaborator for the portal; scientific member of the Crisis Center (Interdepartmental Research Center on Enterprise, Over-indebtedness and Insolvency at the University of Turin). Treasurer of the “Fondazione dell’Avvocatura Parmense” of the Parma Bar Association; former consultant for the ABI (Italian Banking Association) - Alma Mater Studiorum Foundation, in the context of the ministerial project for the civil judicial system’s E-government.
He was part of the pool of experts at the Court of Parma responsible for assessing liabilities in the Parmalat crack matter and consultant for the judicial authority in the Parmalat composition proceeding. He usually assists private individuals in bankruptcy arrangements and compositions with creditors, as well as debt restructuring agreements. Advisor in the context of insolvency proceedings. He is the OCC (body responsible for the settlement of crises) reference person in the Province of Parma.
He engages in providing assistance for the development of start-ups, innovative SMEs and CNR research projects.
Arbitrator, often appointed as chairperson of the panel or sole arbitrator.
G. BUCCARELLA, Il concordato fallimentare, coattivo e straordinario (Bankruptcy arrangement, of compulsory and extraordinary nature), Milan, Giuffrè, 2016, pages. IX-473 G. BUCCARELLA, La cancellazione delle società dal registro delle imprese (removal of companies from the companies register), Milan, Giuffrè, 2015, pages 1-101 G. BUCCARELLA, I “nuovi”accordi di ristrutturazione dei debiti (“new” debt restructuring agreements), Milan, Giuffrè, 2013, pages XII-330 G. BUCCARELLA, Pegno, sequestro ed espropriazione di partecipazioni nella s.r.l. (pledge, seizure and expropriation of shareholdings in limited liability companies), Milan, Giuffrè, 2012, pages 1-95 G. BUCCARELLA, Società di fatto tra società di capitali e società di persone, art. 2361 c.c. e questioni intertemporali (De facto corporations between capital companies and partnerships, art. 2361 of the Italian Civil Code and intertemporal issues), in ilsocietarista.i, 2015, comment to judgement of the Supreme Court dated 15 April 2015, no. 7608 G. BUCCARELLA, Accordo di ristrutturazione di gruppo, in Gestione straordinaria (Group restructuring agreement, under Extraordinary Management), 2015, 125 G. BUCCARELLA, Fallimento successivo all'omologazione degli accordi di ristrutturazione (Bankruptcy following the approval of restructuring agreements), in, 2014 G. BUCCARELLA, Commento dall’artt. 207 all’art. 240 bis norme di coordinamento al c.p.p. (comments to articles 207 to 420bis coordination rules for the Italian code of criminal procedure), Various Authors, Commento al codice di procedura penale (comments to the code of Italian criminal procedure), P. Corso, La Tribuna, 2007 G. BUCCARELLA, Licenziamento per giustificato motivo oggettivo e limiti al sindacato giudiziale (Dismissal for an justified objective reason and limits to judicial review), in Orient. Giur. lav., 2005
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