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Enrico Maria Mancuso

Enrico Maria Mancuso

Work Department

Corporate crime and investigations


Enrico heads the Italian Corporate Crime & Investigations practice at Herbert Smith Freehills.

As a litigator and trial lawyer with 20 years of experience, Enrico assists clients on all their white-collar crime matters, on both contentious and non-contentious issues. He has significant experience working with clients on criminal litigation, investigations, compliance, risk and crisis management.

Enrico acts for domestic and international companies and their directors in connection with corporate and financial crimes including money laundering, corruption, fraud, market abuse and tax offences.


He is Full Professor of Criminal Procedure Law at the Faculty of Law - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan. He was a Visiting Scholar at Columbia Law School (New York, USA) in 2015 and has been a Visiting Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg (Germany) since 2009.


Italian, English and German.


He is a member of the IBA and the AIDP and is Chairman of the Supervisory Board (Organismo di Vigilanza, pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/2001) of several companies.

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