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Cameron  Dunstan-Smith

Cameron Dunstan-Smith

Work Department

Corporate Crime and Investigations


Cameron is a Partner at Herbert Smith Freehills and heads the Corporate Crime and Investigations practice in the Johannesburg office.

Cameron has specialized investigations and compliance for the past 17 years and his extensive experience covers the full suite of investigations issues (corruption, fraud, misconduct) as well as compliance (anti-bribery and corruption due diligence and advisory) and regulatory (sanctions, anti-money laundering and related offences) matters. Cameron has been involved in a wide range of regulatory matters, FCPA and UK Bribery Act investigations and compliance advice and due diligence, anti-money laundering compliance and representing clients facing government or regulatory enforcement action. He has worked in multiple African jurisdictions, the UK, East Asia, Europe and the United States on a variety of investigations and has provided advice to regulators in South Africa, the United States and the UK.

Cameron's broad depth of experience in the South African and African market, coupled with his international exposure and experience, provides a unique service offering to clients seeking a local South African or global perspective concerning investigations and compliance issues. Supported by Herbert Smith Freehills' global Corporate Crime and Investigations practice, Cameron is well placed to provide clients with local expertise with added the benefit of drawing the expertise of lawyers in the firm's global offices. Due to the international nature of investigations, this is of great value to clients seeking seamless service in multiple jurisdictions as well as clients who appreciate the benefit of a firm with investigations experience and dealings with regulators the world over.

Cameron is well regarded in the investigations market in South Africa and is ranked across multiple legal rankings directories in the field of investigations in South Africa.


Before joining Herbert Smith Freehills, Cameron was a Partner in the Governance, Compliance & Investigations practice of one of the major South African law firms, having previously been in the forensic department of one of the big 4 audit firms.


University of KwaZulu-Natal – BA University of KwaZulu-Natal – LLB


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