News and developments
Re-domiciliation of foreign companies to Cyprus
As from 28.7.2006, the Companies Law Cap.113 (the “Law”) has been amended and the re-domiciliation of foreign companies to Cyprus is permitted, as per the provisions of the Law.
Foreign companies that are established and operating abroad that consider changing their seat, have the choice to re-domicile to Cyprus and continue their operations uninterrupted as a Cyprus registered company and benefit from the advantages Cyprus, as a European jurisdiction, has to offer.
The purpose of this brochure is to provide a summary as to why a foreign company may consider moving its seat to Cyprus and the procedure of re-domiciliation that needs to be followed, as per the Law.
Cyprus’ services-oriented economy, with years of experience in servicing international clients, is one of the top business centres in Europe. International clients can benefit from the skills and knowhow obtained from lawyers and accountants from their many years of practice in the services sector.
Cyprus’ legal system is based on English common law, one of the most reliable and respectable legal systems worldwide.
The Cyprus Tax System has evolved to comply with all EU and OECD BEPS requirements while still maintaining its attractiveness. The corporate tax rate is set at 12.5% on net profits, however, specific types of income are fully exempt from taxation, such as:
In addition, Cyprus does not deduct any withholding taxes on the payment of the following types of income from Cyprus to any foreign person:
Further, Cyprus introduced the Notional Interest Deduction (NID) on new capital, based on which there is a notional recognition of a cost on the capital introduced and this notional cost can reduce the taxable base of the company. NID is restricted to a maximum of 80% of the taxable income generated by the new capital introduced into the company.
In addition, Cyprus has concluded over 60 tax treaties which is of high economic and political importance and strengthen Cyprus as an international business centre.
Therefore, from all perspectives, there are numerous incentives for businesses to seriously consider re-domiciling to Cyprus.
i. Application for re-domiciliation to Cyprus
A foreign company registered in a country which allows re-domiciliation and which company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association provide for the possibility of re-domiciliation, may apply to the Registrar of Companies in Cyprus to be registered in Cyprus as a continuing company pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Law Cap 113.
ii. Necessary documents to be filed with the Cyprus Registrar
The application must be submitted together with the following documents:-
iii. Liabilities
A director or the management body of the foreign company providing false declaration or making a false declaration as to the solvency of the foreign company, are liable to a crime, and in case of conviction are liable to imprisonment up to 1 year and a fine up to Euro 34.172,00.
iv. Licensed activities
Companies, which offer licensed activities under certain provisions of the law in their jurisdiction and for which similar licenses are required in Cyprus, must produce relevant consent for their re-domiciliation by the proper authorities of their country.
Any foreign company which will undertake any activity for which a license is required in Cyprus, must obtain such a license according to the requirements of Cyprus Law (Such companies are among others, Financial Services Companies / Insurance Companies / Banking Institutions).
v. Public Companies
In case the foreign company is a public company, then the following must be produced in addition to the above: -
vi. Registration in the Republic
Once the Registrar is satisfied that the documents submitted as above specified are in accordance with the law, temporarily deposits the relevant documents and certifies that the foreign company is temporarily registered as a continued entity in the Republic as from the date of such registration.
It will issue the Temporary Certificate of Continuation of the Company in Cyprus.
vii. Name
If the name of the foreign company is according to the opinion of the Cyprus Registrar confusing or misleading in relation to any other name already registered, the Registrar will request the amendment of the name before registration.
viii. Legal consequences of temporary registration
The foreign company as from the date of issuing of the temporary registration:-
ix. Time Limit
Within 6 months period form the issuing of the temporary registration certificate, the foreign company must present to the Cyprus Registrar evidence that it has been stopped from being a company registered in the country of initial incorporation and or that its registration in the foreign country has been cancelled. Usually this document is called Certificate of Discontinuance which must be provided duly made apostil.
Important Note
The company MUST NOT be removed / cancelled from the foreign registry before the time the Cyprus Registrar issues the Temporary Certificate of Continuation. As at this time it must be in full and proper existence.
The application to cancel its registration in the foreign registry must be made ONLY after the Temporary Certificate of Continuation is issued in Cyprus.
x. Production of evidence of deletion from previous registry
In case the above evidence showing that the foreign company has been stopped from being a company registered in the foreign jurisdiction is not submitted, then the Cyprus Registrar may: -
xi. Final Certificate of Continuation
Once the above document – certificate of discontinuance - is presented evidencing that the foreign company has stopped to be a company registered in the country of initial incorporation, (cancelled from being registered abroad), the Cyprus Registrar issues the final certificate of continuation, which certifies that the foreign company has been registered in the Republic.
xii. Cases where applications by foreign companies to be re-domiciled to Cyprus are rejected
Whenever documents are needed to be presented with the Cyprus registrar of companies these must be presented in Greek language or in a certified translation in the Greek language.
This publication has been prepared as a general guide and for information purposes only. It is not a substitution for professional advice. One must not rely on it without receiving independent advice based on the particular facts of his/her own case. No responsibility can be accepted by the authors or the publishers for any loss occasioned by acting or refraining from acting on the basis of this publication.
May 2019