Region Area


Christian Dittert

Work Department

Corporate Law, Litigation and Arbitration


Partner | Lawyer | Certified specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law

Competences: Corporate Law; Litigation, arbitration, and arbitration ; roceedings; Corporate law advice, law of legal persons, in particular law of limited liability companies, stock corporations and cooperatives; Law of companies under the German Civil Code (BGB), partnership companies and commercial partnerships; Shareholder disputes; Directors' and officers' liability; Commercial law


Certified specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law since 2014; Doctorate (Dr. jur.) in Munich; Legal traineeship at the Higher Regional Court of Munich and at the Federal Constitutional Court (Department of Prof. Dr. Dr. Di Fabio), 2005 – 2007; Scholarship holder of the Maximilianeum Foundation; Scholarship holder under the BayBFG; Law studies in Munich and Oxford