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Simon Adams

HFW, Australia

Work Department



Simon specialises in commercial law with particular emphasis on energy and competition law.

Simon has extensive experience in the energy industry, particularly electricity and gas. He advises on all aspects of the power industry, both renewable and conventional, including facility construction, operation and maintenance, power procurement and retail sales, electricity network access and services, metering and regulation. In the gas sector, he advises on gas procurement and transport, pipeline construction and access, gas tolling, storage, aggregation and retail arrangements.

He also acts on energy disputes, and has been appointed to the legal panel of the Western Australian Energy Review Board .

Simon's previous experience includes acting in-house as senior legal counsel with a state owned electricity and gas retailer. He recently acted on the merger of that entity with the state owned generator.

He has also acted for various regulators, including the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, the operator of the Western Australian Wholesale Electricity Market and the Western Australian Economic Regulation Authority.

Simon's understanding of the electricity regulatory regime of Western Australian has benefited from his role in assisting drafting key pieces of West Australian legislation regulating the electricity industry, including the Metering Code, amendments to the Electricity Networks Access Code and the Wholesale Electricity Market Rules, including the introduction of two new markets.

Simon is qualified in Western Australia (Australia).

