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Examination of Non-Compete Obligations in the Articles of Association of a Joint Venture

Examination of Non-Compete Obligations in the Articles

of Association of a Joint Venture under Competition Law and Commercial Law - An

Overview in Light of the Turkish Competition Board's WKS Istanbul Decision of 8

February 2018


A. Introduction

The Turkish Competition Board (the "Board") has recently published its reasoned decision[1] with respect to its ex officio preliminary investigation on (i) the validity of

the non-compete obligation in the articles of association ("AoA") of a joint venture

company, namely WKS Istanbul Tekstil Kalite Kontrol Hiz. Ltd. Şti. ("WKS Istanbul"),

which is active in quality control of textiles and

(ii) the parties' request for negative clearance of the relevant non-compete obligation.

The preliminary investigation concerned the joint

venture as well as the parent companies, namely Enco İstanbul Seyahat ve Taş.

Tic. Ltd. Şti. ("Enco") which provides international road, rail and sea

transportation, warehousing, local complete/partial distribution and customs

clearance services; Meyer&Meyer Vermaltungs Und Beteiligungsgesellschaft

Mbh ("Meyer&Meyer") which provides

services regarding quality control, fix and process, warehousing and transport

of fabrics; and WKS Textilveredlungs Gmbh ("WKS GmbH") which is

active in processing and trading services of textiles.

[1] The

Board's decision dated February 8, 2018 and numbered 18-04/58-32.

B. The Board's Evaluation on the Case at Hand

Article 12 of WKS Istanbul's AoA titled "prohibition

of competition" contains two

distinct non-compete obligations:

Firstly, it prohibits the parent companies (i.e. Enco,

Meyer&Meyer and WKS GmbH) from operating in the business areas where WKS

İstanbul is active directly or indirectly, professionally or occasionally, in

its name or on behalf of other companies. Acquiring or supporting -by any means-

any other company active in the same business area as the joint venture is also


Secondly, it prevents WKS GmbH and Meyer&Meyer

from operating directly or indirectly in certain markets where Enco is active without

Enco's unilateral written consent. These markets are logistics,

contra logistics, international and national transport, warehousing services,

transport services, supply and distribution logistics, customs clearance, value

added services, changes of goods, handling and packaging service.

These non-compete provisions are only

applicable in Turkey and for two years after the withdrawal from the joint


In its decision, the Board assessed the relevant contractual

provisions within the scope of article

4 of Law No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition ("Law

No. 4054") (akin to Article 101(1) of the TFEU), by also referring to the

on-going litigation regarding the validity of the same non-compete clause under

the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 ("Turkish Commercial Code").

1. The Validity of the Non-Compete Clause under the Turkish Commercial Code

Given that the non-compete clause is incorporated in

WKS Istanbul's AoA and WKS Istanbul is a limited liability company, the Board first

cited the provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code regulating non-compete

clauses applied to limited liability companies. The Board noted that articles

579(1) and 613 of the Turkish Commercial Code require non-compete

agreements to be related to the relevant company's fields of business, which

illustrates the law maker's intention to limit the scope of non-compete

agreements concluded among shareholders of a company.

The Board then mentioned the litigation

before the Turkish commercial court by which Meyer&Meyer and WKS GmbH

applied for a declaratory judgment on the invalidity of the non-compete

provision which requires Enco's unilateral consent for these companies to

operate in the fields where Enco is currently active. To that end, the

commercial court[1]

concluded that the relevant provision contained in WKS Istanbul's AoA is

invalid as it infringes the principle of equity and articles 579(1) and 613 of the Turkish Commercial Code

providing that the interest which should be protected

through the non-compete clause shall be related to the joint venture, and not

to the parent companies.

The relevant judgment of the commercial

court has been appealed and the appeal process was still on-going on the date

of the Board's decision. Given that there was not yet a final decision of the commercial

court, the Board concluded that it had jurisdiction to examine the case within

the scope of competition law.

2. The Board's Evaluation of the Non-Compete Obligation under Law No. 4054

The Board held that non-compete clauses which have the

purpose of protecting competitors' interest may violate the regulations which aim

to protect the free competition in the market. Such clauses may restrict new

entries to the market and thus competition can be hindered or impeded. Upon the

parties' request, the Board also analysed whether the non-compete clause at

hand could benefit from negative clearance under Article 8 of Law No. 4054 or

be exempted from the prohibition of Article 4 on the basis of Article 5 of Law

No. 4054 (akin to Article 101(3) of the TFEU).

In this analysis, the Board first found that Enco and WKS Istanbul are operating in different markets.

Thus, the non-compete provision in Article 12 of WKS Istanbul's AoA restricts

the other parent companies' activities in the business areas where Enco -and

not WKS Istanbul- is active. Based on this finding, the Board concluded that

the relevant non-compete obligation is within the scope of article 4 of Law No.

4054 and thus a negative clearance cannot be granted to the AoA.

The Board then proceeded to an individual

exemption examination for the relevant non-compete obligation pursuant to Article

5 of Law No. 4054. The Board held that as a general rule, a preventive or

restrictive agreement between undertakings may fall under the protective cloak

of the individual exemption if the relevant agreement (i) generates efficiencies,

(ii) creates consumer benefit, (iii) does not eliminate competition in a

significant part of the relevant market and (iv) does not limit competition

more than necessary to achieve the efficiencies expected from the agreement. All

these conditions must be met cumulatively.

Moreover, although the Board did not expressly refer

to its Guidelines on Undertakings Concerned, Turnover and Ancillary Restraints

in Mergers and Acquisitions ("Guidelines") - as the Guidelines

only apply to concentrations requiring the Board's approval, it can be seen

that the provisions of the Guidelines applying to "ancillary restrictions"

(paragraphs 48 to 58) appear to have shed light on the Board's assessment under

Article 5 of Law No. 4054. Indeed, paragraph 48 of the Guidelines provides that

ancillary restraints are those that are directly related to the concentration

and that are necessary to the implementation of the transaction and to fully

achieving the efficiencies expected from the concentration. The Guidelines

further provide that for being deemed as "directly related" to the

concentration, the relevant restrictions should be closely related economically

to the main transaction and should have been envisaged for a smooth transition

to the new structure to be formed following the concentration (paragraph 50).

As for the "necessity" of the restrictions, the Guidelines provide that the

nature, duration and the scope of the restriction should be taken into account

in this assessment (paragraph 51).

The Guidelines also provide that a non-compete

obligation that is imposed on the seller could be deemed as an ancillary

restriction provided that the scope of the relevant obligation -in terms of

duration, subject and geographic area- does not exceed beyond what is

reasonably necessary to implement the agreement (paragraph 53). Non-compete

obligations that do not exceed three years are generally accepted as reasonable

(paragraph 54). In case there is a high level of know-how and customer loyalty

for the transferred business, a period longer than three years may also be considered

ancillary to the transaction[2]. On the other hand, in

joint ventures, long-term or indefinite non-compete obligations preventing

parents from competing with the joint venture may be accepted as ancillary


Moreover, non-compete clauses must be limited to the goods and services

comprising the area of operation of the economic unit to be acquired before the

transaction. Lastly, non-compete obligations must be limited geographically to

the area of operation of the undertaking to which the relevant clause is

imposed. Although these provisions of the Guidelines apply to concentrations

that require a mandatory merger control review of the Board, it could be

asserted that they would also shed light to the examination under Article 5 of

Law No. 4054 of a non-compete obligation contained in a joint venture agreement

which does not qualify as a concentration.

In the case at hand, the Board examined

the conditions of the individual exemption by taking into consideration the

content, duration, and objective of the relevant non-compete obligation. As for

the content, the Board noted that the non-compete obligation covers a wide area

of activity. For instance, it limits the logistics and transport activities on

a broad manner without even specifying which kind of products are targeted. As

for its duration, the relevant provision is not limited for a certain period of

time as it is open-ended. Finally, as for its objective, the Board noted that

the provision aims at protecting the commercial interests of one of the parent

companies, Enco, by prohibiting Meyer&Meyer and WKS GmbH from competing in

the business areas where Enco is active.

In light of the above, the Board rejected

granting individual exemption to the relevant non-compete obligation as it does

not meet the criterion "not limiting

competition more than what is necessary".

All in all, the Board concluded that it is

not necessary to launch an investigation against the investigated undertakings on

the ground that (i) the Board has found no evidence showing that the relevant

non-compete obligation affected the parties' decision-making process and

strategies, (ii) Enco does not have any important market power in its areas of

activities that are regulated by the non-compete obligation, and (iii) the

relevant contractual provision has already been deemed as invalid by the commercial

court of first instance (although the appeal process was still on-going).

That said, pursuant to article 9(3) of Law

No. 4054, the Board ordered the parties to remove the relevant non-compete obligation

from WKS Istanbul's AoA and register a modified version of the AoA at the Trade

Registry within one year after the official service of the reasoned decision.

C. The Board's Notifiability Assessment on the Creation of WKS Istanbul

Lastly, the Board examined the question as

to whether the establishment of WKS Istanbul in 2010 should be deemed as a concentration

requiring the Board's approval.

In this respect, the Board recalled that the

formation of a full-function joint venture would constitute an acquisition which

would require a mandatory merger control review of the Board provided that it

triggers the applicable jurisdictional thresholds.

The Board noted that WKS Istanbul has been

a full-function joint venture since its establishment. That said, as the

applicable jurisdictional thresholds were not triggered, the creation of WKS

Istanbul was not notifiable in Turkey.

D. Conculusion

The Board sets a prominent precedent in

this decision regarding its competence in assessing non-compete obligations imposed

upon the parties to a joint venture agreement which may also fall under the

commercial law. Further, although the decision does not refer to the concept of

"ancillary restraints" in concentrations -given that the creation of WKS

Istanbul has not been deemed as a notifiable transaction- the provisions of the

Guidelines applying to ancillary restraints appear to have shed light on the

Board's assessment in this case.

Finally, the decision is also important as

the Board opted for an effect-based assessment instead of an object-based

analysis for deciding not to initiate an investigation against the relevant



Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq., Esra Uçtu and Umay Rona of ELIG Gürkaynak



published by Mondaq on June 13, 2018)

[1] Bakırköy Fifth Commercial Court of First Instance's

judgment dated May 17, 2017 and numbered 2016/259 E. and 2017/450 K.

[2] The

Board's LPD/LeasePlan decision dated

December 3, 2014 and numbered 14-47/862-392; TPack-South East decision dated December 23, 2010 and numbered

10-80/1685-639; Stryker-Boston Scientific

decision dated December 2, 2010 and numbered 10-75/1530-586; Corio Yatırım decision dated December

25, 2008 and numbered 08-75/1188-457.

[3] The

Board's Investcorp Bank decision

dated December 5, 2013 and numbered 13-69/931-392.

Content supplied by ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law