News and developments

Quarterly Update on Anti-Dumping Cases in Turkey (July 2017)

In Turkey, the authority to initiate dumping or

subsidy examinations, upon complaint or, where necessary, ex officio, is given to the Ministry of Economy ("Ministry").

Within the scope of this authority, the Ministry announces its decisions with

the communiqués published on the Official Gazette.

During the second quarter of 2017, the Ministry has

initiated a new dumping investigation, an investigation against the termination

of current dumping measures and 2 final review investigations while amending a

currently effective Communiqué.

Below is a bullet-point summary of the status of the

anti-dumping cases initiated or revised during the second quarter of 2017:

-  Communiqué No. 2017/10 dated April 11th,

2017, concerning pneumatic and outer tires used in bicycles originating

from People's Republic of China, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Chinese

Taipei, Indonesia and Malaysia: The Ministry initiated an investigation against the termination of

current dumping measures on imports of "pneumatic and outer tires used in bicycles"

originating from People's Republic of China, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri

Lanka, Chinese Taipei, Indonesia and Malaysia.

- Communiqué No. 2017/11

dated May 14th, 2017, concerning glass fibre-reinforce materials originating

from Arab Republic of Egypt:  The Ministry announced that it has initiated an anti-dumping

investigation on the imports of "glass fibre-reinforce materials" categorized

under the 7019. CN Code described as "chopped yarns out of glass

fibre not longer than 50 mm.", 7019. CN Code described as "cords",

7019. CN Code described as "filaments", 7019. CN Code

described as "discontinuous fibres", 7019. CN Code described as

"reinforcing plates", 7019. CN Code described as "weavable fibres

(exempt from chills and coverings

peculiar to pipe and tube isolation)", 7019. CN Code

described as "felts out of glass fibres", originating from Arab Republic of


- Communiqué No.

2017/12 dated May 14th, 2017, concerning pentaerythritol originating

from People's Republic of China: The Ministry announced its decision as a

result of the completion of its final review investigation on imports of "pentaerythritol"

originating from the People's Republic of China. The Ministry has decided that

the measure effective under the Communiqué No. 2011/6 published on the Official

Gazette dated May 3rd 2011 and numbered 27923, shall remain in

effect as is.

- Communiqué No.

2017/13 dated May 12th, 2017, concerning pipe fittings (other)  originating from Brazil, Bulgaria, People's

Republic of China, Indonesia, India and Thailand: The Ministry initiated a

final review investigation against the current dumping measures on imports of "pipe

fittings (other) 7307.19 CN Code" originating from Brazil, Bulgaria, People's

Republic of China, Indonesia, India and Thailand.

- Communiqué No.

2017/14 dated May 12th, 2017, concerning polyester staple fiber originating

from Republic of Korea and Indonesia: The Ministry initiated a final review

investigation against the current dumping measures on imports of "polyester

staple fiber 5503. CN Code" originating from Republic of Korea and


- Communiqué

dated May 24th, 2017 amending the Communiqué No. 2015/12 dated May

23rd, 2015 concerning food processor knifes originating from People's

Republic of China: With the amendment made in the Communiqué No. 2015/12

dated May 23rd, 2015, the Ministry amended the description of

product subject to the investigation from "sharp, cutting, grinding and

blending spikes used in food disposers and blenders" to "knifes and blades peculiar

to food disposers, blenders and to fruit or vegetable press".

Authors: Gönenç

Gürkaynak Esq., Ceren Yıldız and Ecem Elver, ELIG, Attorneys-at-Law


published in Mondaq on July 6, 2017)

Content supplied by ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law