News and developments

Quarterly Update on Trade Defense Cases in Turkey (June 2019)

The authority to initiate dumping or subsidy

examinations, upon complaint or, where necessary, ex officio, has been given from the Ministry of Economy to the

Ministry of Trade ("Ministry"). Within the scope of this authority, the

Ministry announces its decisions with the communiqués published on the Official


During the second quarter of 2019, the Ministry has

initiated and announced its decisions upon concluding a number of expiry review


Below is a bullet-point summary of the status of the trade

defense cases initiated, concluded or amended during the second quarter of 2019:


Communiqué No. 2019/11 dated April 12th,

2019 concerning the imports of electric and storage water heaters from People's

Republic of China, Italian Republic and Republic of Serbia:

The Ministry announced its decision upon the

completion of the expiry review in relation to the current dumping measures on

imports of electric and storage water heaters classified under the CN Code 8516.

originating from People's Republic of China, Italian Republic and Republic of

Serbia. Accordingly, the Ministry decided to apply anti-dumping duty at a rate

of (i) 49% of the CIF cost on imports from People's Republic of China excluding

one company for which the Ministry decided to apply anti-dumping duty at a rate

of 22% of the CIF costs, (ii) 24% of the CIF cost on imports from Italian

Republic excluding two companies for which the Ministry decided to apply

anti-dumping duties at rates 12% and 16% of the CIF costs, and (iii) 29% of the

CIF cost on imports from Republic of Serbia.


Communiqué No. 2019/12 dated April 12th,

2019 concerning the imports of laminated parquet originating from Federal

Republic of Germany and People's Republic of China:

The Ministry initiated an expiry review in relation to

the current dumping measures on imports of laminated parquet classified under

the CN Codes 4411., 4411., 4411. and

4411. originating from Federal Republic of Germany and People's

Republic of China.


Communiqué No. 2019/13 dated April 12th,

2019 concerning the imports of certain products originating from People's

Republic of China:

The Ministry initiated an expiry review in relation to

the current dumping measures on imports of non-refillable pocket gas lighters

classified under the CN Code 9613., imports of only refillable

pocket gas lighters with plastic casing and electrical ignition system

classified under the CN Code 9613., imports of refillable pocket gas

lighters (with other ignition systems) classified under the CN Code 9613.

and imports of plastic gas canisters (with or without gas) under the CN Code

9613. originating from People's Republic of China.


Communiqué No. 2019/14 dated May 25th, 2019

concerning the imports of lead pencils and crayons originating from Egypt:

Currently, anti-dumping duties are imposed on the

imports of lead pencils and crayons classified under the CN Code 9609.10

originating from People's Republic of China as per the Communiqué No. 2003/1.

As per the Communiqué No. 2007/5, the Ministry decided to include Thailand

within the scope of the measures. With the Communiqué No. 2019/14 dated May 25th,

2019, the Ministry announced its decision upon the completion of the

anti-circumvention investigation regarding the imports of lead pencils and

crayons classified under the CN Code 960910. Accordingly, the Ministry decided not

to apply any anti-dumping duties on imports of lead pencils and crayons originating

from Egypt, due to their title as manufacturer and its non-impairing effect on

the current anti-dumping duties.


Communiqué No. 2019/15 dated May 7th, 2019

concerning the imports of woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn and woven

fabrics of synthetic or artificial discontinuous fibers originating from Republic

of Greece:

Currently, anti-dumping duties are imposed on imports

of woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn under the CN Code 54.07 originating

from People's Republic of China, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Chinese

Taipei, Philippines and Bulgaria, and on imports of woven fabrics of synthetic

or artificial discontinuous fibers under the CN Codes 55.13, 55.14, 55.15 and

55.16 originating from People's Republic of China, South Korea, Malaysia,

Thailand, Chinese Taipei, Philippines, Bulgaria and Poland at rates differentiating

between countries and companies. With the Communiqué No. 2019/15 dated May 7th,

2019, the Ministry announced its decision upon the completion of the

anti-circumvention investigation regarding the imports of products classified

under the CN Codes 54.07, 55.13, 55.14, 55.15 and 55.16. Accordingly, the

Ministry decided to include Greece in anti-dumping duties with the same rates as

those which are being applied to People's Republic of China.


Communiqué No. 2019/16 dated May 4th, 2019

concerning the imports of certain products such as hinges and drawer slides originating

from Germany and India:

Currently, anti-dumping duties are imposed on imports

of hinges (except hinges used in civilian aircrafts and means of transport

under the CN Code 8302. under the CN Code 8302.10 and fixed

hangers, hat-pegs, brackets and similar fixtures under the CN Code

8302. at a rate of 1.64 USD/Kg, and on imports of products

classified as "others, for furniture (except used in civilian aircrafts and

seat dampers)" under the CN Code 8302. at a rate of 0.75 USD/Kg originating

from People's Republic of China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Chinese Taipei, Spain,

Italy, Greece and Thailand. With the Communiqué No. 2019/16 dated May 4th,

2019, the Ministry announced its decision upon the completion of the

anti-circumvention investigation regarding the imports of products classified

under the CN Codes 8302.10, 8302. and 8302. Accordingly,

the Ministry decided to not include Germany as it did not cause any impairing

effect on the current anti-dumping duties imposed and to include India in

anti-dumping duties with the same rates as the current ones, except three

companies for which the Ministry decided to apply anti-dumping duties at

different rates on imports of three products (only door hinges under the CN

Code 8302., only furniture hinges under the CN Code 8302.

and only ball drawer slides only door hinges under the CN Code

8302. based on their manufacturer certificate.


Communiqué No. 2019/17 dated May 23rd, 2019

concerning the imports of electrically operated wall clocks originating from

People's Republic of China:

The Ministry announced its decision upon the

completion of the expiry review in relation to the current dumping measures on

imports of electrically operated wall clocks classified under the CN code 9105.

originating from People's Republic of China. Accordingly, the Ministry decided

to apply an anti-dumping duty at a rate of 23% of the CIF cost on the imports of

electrically operated wall clocks originating from People's Republic of China.


Communiqué No. 2019/18 dated May 25th, 2019

concerning the imports originating from People's Republic of China:

The Ministry initiated an expiry review in relation to

the current dumping measures on imports of products classified as "rolled and

unsupported aluminum leaves and strips with a maximum width of 0,2 millimeters

and with no further processing" under the CN Code 7607.11 and "others" under

the CN Code 7607.19 originating from People's Republic of China.


Communiqué No. 2019/19 dated June 7th, 2019

concerning the imports originating from the United States of America:

Currently, anti-dumping duties are imposed on the

imports of unbleached kraft papers classified under the CN Codes 4804.,

4804., 4804. and 4804. originating from the

United States of America as per the Communiqué No. 2015/28 and the Communiqué

No. 2017/1. With the Communiqué No. 2019/18 dated June 7th, 2019,

the Ministry announced its decision regarding the suspension of the definitive

anti-dumping measures imposed on the imports of unbleached kraft papers

originating from the United States of America for a period of nine (9) months.


Communiqué No. 2019/20 dated June 27th,

2019 concerning the imports of instantaneous gas water heater originating from

People's Republic of China:

The Ministry initiated an expiry review in relation to

the current dumping measures on imports of instantaneous gas water heater under

the CN Code 8419. originating from People's Republic of China.


content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject

matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

Authors: Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq., Ceren Yıldız, Sinem Uğur and Nazlı Gürün, ELIG

Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law

(First published

by Mondaq on July 9, 2019)

Content supplied by ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law