News and developments

Quarterly Update on Trade Defense Cases in Turkey (March 2019)

The authority to initiate dumping or subsidy

examinations, upon complaint or, where necessary, ex officio, has been given from the Ministry of Economy to the

Ministry of Trade ("Ministry"). Within the scope of this authority, the

Ministry announces its decisions with the communiqués published on the Official


During the first quarter of 2019, the Ministry has

initiated and announced its decisions upon concluding a number of expiry review

investigations, as well as announcing its decision upon withdrawal of

applications of certain investigations.

Below is a bullet-point summary of the status of the trade

defense cases initiated, concluded or amended during the first quarter of 2019:


Communiqué No. 2019/1 dated December 31st,

2018 concerning the imports of polyester synthetic discontinuous fibers

(polyester fiber) originating from Republic of India, Chinese Taipei and Kingdom

of Thailand:

The Ministry initiated an expiry review in relation to

the current dumping measures on imports of polyester synthetic discontinuous

fibers (polyester fiber) classified under the CN Code 5503.

originating from Republic of India, Chinese Taipei and Kingdom of Thailand.


Communiqué No. 2019/2 dated December 31st,

2018 concerning the imports of yarns out of synthetic and artificial discontinuous fiber (staple

fiber yarn) originating from People's Republic of China, Republic of Indonesia,

Malaysia, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Kingdom of Thailand and Socialist Republic

of Vietnam:

The Ministry initiated an expiry review in relation to

the current dumping measures on imports of yarns out of synthetic and

artificial discontinuous fiber (staple fiber yarn) classified under the CN Codes

55.08, 55.09 (except 5509.52,

5509.61 and 5509.91), 55.10 (except 5510.20) and 55.11 originating from People's Republic of

China, Republic of Indonesia, Malaysia, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Kingdom

of Thailand and Socialist Republic of Vietnam.


Communiqué No. 2019/3 dated December 31st,

2018 concerning the imports of stainless steel tubes from People's Republic of

China and Chinese Taipei:

The Ministry announced its decision upon the

completion of the expiry review in relation to the current dumping measures on

imports of tubes classified as "others" under the CN Codes 7306. and

7306. and "made of stainless steel" under the CN Code

7306. originating from People's Republic of China and Chinese Taipei.

Accordingly, the Ministry decided to apply anti-dumping duty at a rate of (i) 11.50%

of the CIF cost on imports from Chinese Taipei excluding two companies for which

the Ministry decided to apply anti-dumping duties at a rate of 7.98% and (ii)

20.50% of the CIF cost on imports from People's Republic of China, excluding two

companies for which the Ministry decided to apply anti-dumping duties at rates

13.82% and 20.50% of the CIF costs.


Communiqué No. 2019/4 dated December 31st,

2018 concerning the imports of woven fabrics of synthetic or artificial discontinuous

fibers originating from People's Republic of China:

The Ministry announced its decision upon the

completion of the expiry review in relation to the current dumping measures on

imports of woven fabrics of synthetic or artificial discontinuous fibers

classified under the CN codes 55.13, 55.14, 55.15 and 55.16 originating from People's

Republic of China. Accordingly, the Ministry decided to apply anti-dumping duty

at a rate of 44% of the CIF cost on imports of woven fabrics of synthetic or

artificial discontinuous fibers originating from People's Republic of China.


Communiqué No. 2019/5 dated January 12th,

2019 concerning certain imports of several blankets originating from People's

Republic of China:

The Ministry initiated an expiry review in relation to

the current dumping measures on imports of products classified as "blankets of

synthetic fiber (except those electronically heated) and travel blankets" under

the CN Code 6301.40, as "other blankets and travel blankets" under the CN Code

6301.90 and as "blankets obtained only through rolled or cut woven and

feathered textiles" under the CN Codes 6001. and 6001.92 originating

from People's Republic of China.


Communiqué No. 2019/6 dated January 12th,

2019 concerning the withdrawn application regarding imports of products

classified as "acrylic or modacrylic" originating from People's Republic of


The Ministry announced its decision to terminate the

anti-subsidy investigation without applying any duties after the domestic

industry's withdrawal of application within the investigation term in relation

to the imports of products classified as "acrylic or modacrylic" under the CN

Code 5501. originating from People's Republic of China.


Communiqué No. 2019/7 dated January 12th,

2019 concerning the withdrawn application regarding imports of products

classified as "acrylic or modacrylic" originating from Federal Republic of

Germany, Republic of Korea, People's Republic of China and Kingdom of Thailand:

The Ministry announced its decision to terminate the

anti-dumping investigation without applying any duties after the domestic

industry's withdrawal of application within the investigation term in relation

to the imports of products classified as "acrylic or modacrylic" under the CN

Code 5501. originating from Federal Republic of Germany,

Republic of Korea, People's Republic of China and Kingdom of Thailand.


Communiqué No. 2019/9 dated March 19th,

2019 concerning the imports of dioctyl terephthalate classified as "others"

under the CN Code 3812. originating from South Korea:

Currently, anti-dumping duties are imposed to the

imports of dioctyl terephthalate under the CN Code 2917. originating

from South Korea as per the Communiqué No. 2017/24. With the Communiqué No.

2019/9 dated March 19th, 2019, the Ministry initiated an

anti-circumvention investigation regarding the imports of dioctyl terephthalate

originating from South Korea, as a result of the product being modified as a

compound and imported under the CN Code 3812.


content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject

matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

Authors: Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq., Ceren Yıldız, Sinem Uğur and Nazlı Gürün, ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law

(First published by Mondaq on April 5, 2019)

Content supplied by ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law