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Turkey: Independent Board Members
Authors: Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq., Nazlı Nil Yukaruç and Işıl Ertekin Çokça, ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law
Corporate governance principles are essential in order to protect benefits of minority shareholders and investors. Appointment of independent members is one of the most important elements that ensure proper implementation of the corporate governance principles. As a part of corporate governance principles regulated under the capital market legislation, independent board members must be appointed by the companies who are expected to objectively supervise the company and enlighten the public if necessary. It is important to have an independent member who will execute his/her duties without being influenced in order to create reliable cooperation.
In light of the foregoing, Corporate Governance Communique No. II-17.1. (“Communique”) stipulates mandatory provisions regarding appointment of the board of directors. For example; as per the Communique, the board of directors must consist of at least 5 (five) members, a majority of the members of the board of directors must have non-executive duties and there must be independent board members among the non-executive board members. In addition, the number of independent board members cannot be less than 1/3 (one-third) of the total number of board members in the public companies and in any case there cannot be less than 2 (two) independent members.
In this article, our aim is to briefly summarize requirements around appointing of the independent board members and their duties.
Requirements to be an Independent Board Member
The Communique also determines specific criteria for the ones who wish to be an independent member of the board of directors. According to 4.3.6 of Corporate Governance Principles that is Annex 1 of the Communique (“CGP”), independent board members must hold the following qualifications:
Appointment of Independent Board Members
Generally, independent board members are appointed by the general assembly in similar with the other members of the board of directors. The general assembly considers the candidate proposal for independent membership. Candidate proposals are prepared by the board of directors or by the nomination committee if it is established.
After receiving proposal for nomination from the current members of the board of directors and/or the shareholders, the nomination committee takes them into consideration. Candidates submit a written declaration to the nomination committee stating that he/she is independent within the framework of relevant legislation, articles of association and the criteria set forth in the CGP.
The nomination committee evaluates the candidates who wish to be independent board members and consider whether they fulfill the independence criteria determined under CGP. After evaluation, the nomination committee reports the candidates to the board of directors, the board of directors reviews the report and prepare a list consisting of legible candidates for independent members within the framework of the report of nomination committee and submits the list to the Capital Market Board (“Board”) at least 60 (sixty) days prior to the general assembly meeting. The Board reviews the list and determines the ones who are capable of being independent member in line with the independency criteria. Appointment of the candidates who are not found as independent by the Board are not discussed during the general assembly meeting.
Also, the company must disclose at Public Disclosure Platform the list of the candidate independent members and of the candidates who have not been accepted as candidate independent member, at the latest with the announcement of the general assembly meeting. General assembly resolution shall be announced together with the opposing votes and the grounds thereof, via the corporate website of the company.
Responsibilities of Independent Board Members
Under Turkish laws, independent members do not have different duties from the executive and non-executive members of the board of directors. However, it is mandatory for independent members to be objective and transparent. According to the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102, all members of the board of directors are jointly and severally liable to the company, the shareholders and the creditors of the company for damage occurring due to their fault and non-fulfilment of the duties stated in the laws or the articles of association.
Independent members are essential players while maintaining corporate governance in publicly-held companies. Independent members must fulfill specific criteria stated in this article. Such qualifications are proof that such member must perform his/her duties by respecting independency and transparency. While participating in board of directors and committees, the independent members take responsibility for management and audit of the companies.