Region Area


Natasha Popova-Alebic

Natasha Popova-Alebic

Polenak Law Firm, North Macedonia

Work Department

Employment law, occupational health and safety, industrial property, litigation, administrative procedure and immigration law


Attorney at Law, Senior Associate


Natasha is a senior associate at Polenak Law Firm. She has 15 years of experience in various areas of the law. Natasha has participated in many various projects mostly focused on employment related issues and employment disputes, intellectual property, immigration law, procedures for destruction of counterfeit goods, civil and commercial litigation, payment order procedures at notary public, forced collection of debts through an enforcement agent, administrative procedures and procedures for food and nutritional supplements, before the competent authorities. She has participated in many legal due diligence analyses in the country. Natasha has attended many local seminars and workshops for legal professionals.


Macedonian, English, Serbian


Macedonian Bar Association

South East Europe Legal Group (


Certificate for passed Judicial Exam, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of North Macedonia, 2007

Licensed industrial property rights agent, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of North Macedonia, Industrial Property Protection Office, 2006

LL.B, Ss. Cyril and Methodius  University, Faculty of Law Iustinianus Primus, Skopje, North Macedonia, 2005

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