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Ivelin Chernaev

Ivelin Chernaev


Senior Associate


Ivelin has experience with diverse projects and transactions requiring expertise in various areas of law, including, among others, real estate, construction, corporate and commercial, energy, and employment law. Further, he regularly advises clients on administrative law and proceedings, personal data protection and intellectual property rights and has substantial experience with litigation before both administrative and civil courts. Ivelin has been actively involved in advisory work and the implementation of public tenders related to the development of the infrastructure of two international airports in Bulgaria. Ivelin has been a member of the Varna Bar Association for more than nine years, and before that, he worked for five years as an in-house lawyer for a major international airport operator and a renowned international bank.


Bulgarian, English, German


Varna Bar Association


Faculty of Law of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria Tilburg Law School of University of Tilburg, The Netherlands

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