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Brödermann Jahn Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Region Area


Philipp von Dietze

Work Department

Corporate law and M&A, Compliance und Corporate Governance, European and German Antitrust law




Dr. Philipp von Dietze has been working as a business lawyer for more than 25 years, since 2000 at Brödermann Jahn.

In his legal practice, Philipp von Dietze focuses on advising companies on the implementation of growth strategies, including the acquisition of companies, the formation of joint ventures, the execution of financing rounds and the implementation of commercial and distribution systems. Recently, his work has also included assisting with major investment construction projects. Another focus of Philipp von Dietze is antitrust law, in particular in connection with distribution systems, joint production and R & D cooperations as well as antitrust compliance by (dominant) companies and private enforcement (antitrust damages).

"We need to speak."


German English French


Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer Hamburg, VGR Vereinigung für Gesellschaftsrecht e.V., Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht e.V., Gesellschaft für Recht und Ökonomik e.V., DIE FAMILIENUNTERNEHMER e.V., Rotary International, International Bar Association, Competition Litigation Forum (C-L-F)


Universities of Freiburg, Bonn and Munich (first and second state exam in Munich; Dr. jur. University of Munich, 1994).

Content supplied by Brödermann Jahn Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH