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Marta Machado de Almeida

Marta Machado de Almeida

RFF Lawyers, Portugal

Work Department

Tax & Business




- Partner at "RFF & Associados - Tax & Business Law Firm", since 2017 - Lawyer and Senior Associate at "RFF & Advogados - Law Firm", since 2012 - Listed Tax arbitrator for the Administrative Arbitration Centre (Centro de Arbitragem Administrativa), since 2014 - Tax correspondent of the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation for Mozambique and Angola, since 2011 - Lawyer and Senior Associate at "PLMJ - Law Firm", 2009-2012 - Lawyer at "Miranda Correia Amendoeira & Associados", 2007-2009 - Member of the UK Bar Council, since 2007 - Traineeship at Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs in London, 2007 - Member of the Portuguese Bar Association, since 2005 - Tax consultant at Deloitte, 2003-2006


Portuguese, English, French and Spanish


Portuguese Fiscal Association; International Fiscal Association


- Master's Degree in Legal and Business Sciences from the Law Faculty of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Participant in the International Lawyers Diploma Programme, College of Law (London), 2007 - Post-graduate degree in Advanced Taxation from the Law Faculty of the Universidade de Lisboa, 2006 - Degree in Laws from the Law Faculty of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2003 - Brevet des Collèges at the Lycée Français Charles Lepierre, Lisbon


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