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Howes Percival LLP


Simon deMaid

Simon deMaid

Howes Percival LLP, South East

Work Department

Employment and pensions.


With a number of high profile Milton Keynes clients, Simon heads up our Milton Keynes operations. Simon is a well-known and highly respected member of the Milton Keynes professional community. He is a member of the MK Business Leaders Partnership.
As an employment law specialist, and Partner, Simon provides local companies with support and assistance with employment related problems. His proactive approach is creative, commercial and pragmatic (and also preventative where possible!).

As well as assisting clients with disciplinary matters, grievances, ill health and discrimination issues; Simon also advises businesses on the employment aspects of complex restructures; business acquisitions; outsourcing arrangements; and corporate transactions.

With a particular interest in disability discrimination claims, Simon takes a pro-active role in managing Tribunal claims for his clients, including advocacy at Tribunal hearings.

Simon regularly delivers training sessions and workshops in the Milton Keynes area and is renowned for his fun and interactive delivery.

Simon is a member of the Employment Lawyers Association.

Simon is also a member of the firm’s Data Protection Team, advising clients as they prepare for the introduction of the GDPR in May 2018.


2013 - Present: Howes Percival LLP, Partner 2012: Howes Percival LLP, Director 2008: Howes Percival LLP, Associate Solicitor 2003: Howes Percival LLP, Solicitor 2001: Howes Percival LLP, Trainee Solicitor 1999: Eversheds, Debt Recovery Negotiator


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