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Silvia van Schaik

Silvia van Schaik

bureau Brandeis, Netherlands


Senior Attorney


Silvia van Schaik is a senior associate at bureau Brandeis. She specializes in information law, more specifically privacy, copyright and e-commerce.

Silvia is an all-round IT-lawyer. She does both litigation and compliance work. She regularly helps large international companies to develop protocols that ensure compliance with relevant laws and legislation and is fast to assist when a supervisory authority contacts a client. Furthermore, she has ample experience in combatting infringements of intellectual property rights, more specifically copyrights.

Silvia worked at an international law firm for many years. Prior to joining bureau Brandeis she was part of the IP/IT team of BakerMcKenzie.

She graduated from Leiden University in 2009. She also spent one semester studying in San Francisco where she got infected with the “tech law virus”. In 2015, she successfully completed post-graduate studies in IT-law at Grotius Academy.

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