Vukovic & Partners

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Dejan Vuković

Work Department

Banking & Finance


He has led corporate groups specialising in asset management and debt collection, managed teams of over 40 people working on more than 50,000 cases, advised in privatization and corporate restructuring cases, and led many M&A teams.

From 2013 to 2016 Dejan served on the Supervisory Board of Rapp Zastava doo, a member of the Rapp Marina Group, and from 2012 to 2014 he sat on the Supervisory Board of Yunet International doo (formerly known as Eunet, a large internet service provider). Dejan has been Vice President of the Property Council at NALED, the National Alliance for Local Economic Development, since November 2018.


Serbian Bar Association; Belgrade Bar Association; Vice President of the Property Council of the National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED); TELFA Real Estate Working Group; TELFA Working Group on Banking and Finance.


Managing Partner


Dejan graduated from University of Belgrade Faculty of Law in 2003, going on to complete a specialized course of study in Corporate Governance at the same school in 2007. He has been practicing law professionally for more than 15 years, including as lead lawyer and member of legal teams involved in numerous major transactions.
