Vukovic & Partners

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Aleksandra Ćalić Bošković

Work Department

Employment Law


Aleksandra is a partner at Vukovic & Partners and manages the Employment Law and Public Procurement departments. She advises clients daily on all aspects of labour law and labour relations, including hiring and termination of formal employment and other types of engagement, employee disciplinary measures and health and safety arrangements, and represents clients in labour disputes. She also helps clients comply with Serbian and international data-protection and privacy requirements.


Belgrade Bar Association; Serbian Bar Association; Conciliator and mediator with the National Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes.


Senior Partner - Attorney at Law


Aleksandra graduated from University of Belgrade Faculty of Law in 2007 and joined Vuković & Partners in February 2008, first as a Trainee Lawyer and then as a full member of the legal team. She became a Partner in 2010.

In 2016, Aleksandra was appointed conciliator and mediator with the National Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes (a special organization of the Government and the only institution in Serbia that specializes in the amicable settlement of individual and collective labour disputes).

Aleksandra has more than 10 years of experience in law, especially labour and public procurement legislation.
