Region Area


Victoria Ward

Work Department

Court of Protection


Victoria specialises in Court of Protection work, helping vulnerable people and their loved ones make decisions about their property and finances.

She deals with the management of day to day financial matters for a large number of deputyship and trust clients, ranging from children to the elderly – including those who have received a damages award as a result of personal injury. This involves assisting with decisions in relation to investments, personal budgets, capital expenditure and coordinating property adaptations tailored to individual clients with disabilities.

She also liaises with case managers, personal injury and clinical negligence lawyers, social workers and relatives to establish appropriate care regimes to make best interests decisions.

Victoria is experienced in dealing with Court of Protection applications concerning appointment of deputies, replacement of incapacitated trustees for property, making gifts and statutory Wills and contentious Court of Protection applications concerning attorneys and deputies.

She is a member of the Court of Protection Practitioners Association (CoPPA) and an affiliate member of the Society of Trusts and Estate Practitioners (STEP). She has recently gained a Distinction in the STEP Advanced Certificate in Advising Vulnerable Clients and was shortlisted for Young Practitioner of the Year at the STEP Private Client Awards in 2015.

She is also a member of Irwin Mitchell's Parent Carer Forum - a safe online space to connect with fellow parent carers and discuss the issues that matter to you. Join the Parent Carer Forum on Facebook.