Wozniak Legal

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Grzegorz Dudek


Grzegorz is an attorney-at-law admitted to practice in Poland and a partner in the firm’s Corporate Group and a head of the Privacy and Data Protection Group. His special areas of expertise are acquisitions, buy-outs and commercial transactions as well as personal data protection and antitrust compliance.

Grzegorz advises Polish and non-Polish enterprises on their operations in Poland and abroad involving, in particular, privacy, data protection and e-commerce matters. He supports clients with the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and various of international GDPR projects.

Grzegorz audits companies on GDPR and antitrust compliance as well as proposes practical data protection and antitrust risk assessment actions. He conducts training sessions on privacy and antitrust for clients from various sectors, including charity, healthcare, life sciences, IT, e-commerce, HR and manufacturing.

Grzegorz provides legal assistance also on private client matters that transcend borders such as international charity, family law, and property restitution.


- Anglo-Polish Law Association - New Circle - Warsaw Bar Association (attorney-at-law) - The Law Society of England & Wales


Partner, Attorney-at-law


Grzegorz graduated from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun. Since 2015, Grzegorz has been registered as an attorney-at-law (radca prawny).
