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Helen Boyd

Helen Boyd

Work Department

Personal Injury: Claimant


Helen Boyd, Partner, specialises in all areas of personal injury and medical negligence claims. In particular these include:

Road traffic accident claims (including claims against the Motor Insurers Bureau when a third party is uninsured or untraced); Accidents at work; Product liability claims (including acting for a claimant who had swallowed shards of glass in a pie and acting for a claimant injured in a road traffic accident when a defective tyre burst); Medical negligence claims (including acting for a claimant injured during cosmetic surgery); Accidents caused by animals; Accidents abroad (including a claim by a holidaymaker injured by the broken surface of a swimming pool in Turkey); Claims against the police (including wrongful arrest, false imprisonment and assault); Assault claims (both civil claims against the assailant and claims against The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority); Claims against local authorities (where the local authority failed to protect someone as a child by removing them from the care of their parent/carer); Sexual abuse claims (including acting for victims of sexual abuse in claims against an individual, schools, church and/or local authority); Hairdressing claims (where a claimant’s hair has sustained significant damage from the application of chemicals to tint and/or perm it); Occupational stress and harassment claims (including acting for victims of bullying in the workplace); and Any claim where someone has suffered injury through the fault of another.
