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Idan Adler-Reiss

Work Department





Adv. Idan Adler Reiss is a partner in the firm, engaged in litigation and insolvency.

For more than a decade, Idan has accumulated vast legal experience managing complex restructuring and insolvency cases and proceedings. From trustees, receivers and liquidators to special managers, as a partner in the firm she advises functionaries appointed by the court and conducts complex insolvency proceedings before Insolvency Courts.

Idan has successfully completed these proceedings for sports associations, private and public start-ups, and operating companies in various markets, including contracting companies and companies on the retail market.

Moreover, Idan has accrued considerable experience representing creditors and position holders in some of the largest insolvency proceedings in Israel, and in formulating and managing creditors’ arrangements and corporate recovery. She has also represented companies in the field of commercial and civil litigation.


Hebrew and English.


A member of the bar since 2008.


LL.B from Haifa University.


Content supplied by FWMK (Furth, Wilensky, Mizrachi, Knaani)