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Gecić Law Triumphs in Landmark Telecommunications Dispute in Kosovo

Gecić Law, in collaboration with Deloitte Legal and RPHS Law, is proud to unveil a monumental victory, having been instrumental in successfully navigating the dispute between the Priština authorities and Telekom Srbija’s subsidiary, MTS d.o.o. (MTS), stemming from the abrupt decision to revoke MTS’s operating license in Kosovo.

The contentious decision threatened to halt MTS’s operations within Kosovo, wiping out its registration from the business registry.  The outcome of this would have been catastrophic, plunging numerous businesses into uncertainty, rendering employees jobless, and depriving clients of their service provider.  These actions by the authorities were predicated on claims that MTS’s official documents clashed with local constitutional provisions and regulations.

The tide began to turn on August 24, 2023, when MTS’s formidable legal team, including Gecić Law, challenged the decision, citing flagrant violations of local laws and the European Convention on Human Rights, buttressed by the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights.

Their steadfast advocacy bore fruit on September 22.  The Commission for Reviewing Business Registration Complaints of the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship, and Trade (Commission) in Priština redacted its former decision, thereby reinstating MTS’s registration in the business registry.  The Commission sided with the defense, underlining its commitment to the Brussels Agreement on Telecommunication, asserting that the MTS registration had been carried out in compliance with the prevailing legislation in Kosovo.

Bogdan Gecić, the linchpin of Gecić Law, expressed his sentiments, stating, “It was an unparalleled honor championing the cause of Telekom Srbija’s MTS in this seminal litigation.  Founded on the bedrock of the Brussels Agreement, it was paramount for the Priština authorities to honor their obligations emanating from this treaty.  Our heartfelt gratitude to all stakeholders for actualizing this milestone.”

In a related vein, MTS currently grapples with an inquiry by the local Competition Authority (CA) over allegations of neglecting to report four acquisitions.  During a recent oral hearing, MTS’s legal coalition, encompassing King & Spalding, Deloitte Legal, RPHS Law, and Gecić Law, put forth a robust defense.  The collective remains optimistic about the potency of their case and anticipates a favorable resolution by the KCA.

The Gecić Law team comprised Founding Partner Bogdan Gecić, Partner Ognjen Colić, Counsel Branko Gabrić and Senior Associate Vuk Leković.  A special thanks to our Of Counsel Veljko Milutinović.

Content supplied by Gecic Law